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  • News from Simon

    Not only the name but also the look & feel of Enterprise Center Simon Stevin is changed to SIMON.

The way we work

Intercity Real Estate Management offers you total management of your property. In addition to the Commercial, Technical and Financial Management of your property, we also arrange all tax aspects. That saves costs and keeps the lines short.

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Current offer for rent

Momenteel heeft Intercity Real Estate Management (delen van) objecten te huur op de onderstaande locaties. Klik op een locatie op de kaart of ga naar de overzichtspagina te huur.

Property management

icon1Commercieel Vastgoedmanagement

What is the best rental strategy for your property? We actively market your real estate property with a clear positioning and a proven strategy.

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Technisch Vastgoedmanagement

What is the best rental strategy for your property? We actively market your real estate property with a clear positioning and a proven strategy.

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Financieel  Vastgoedmanagement

Thanks to the seamless integration of Commercial, Technical and Financial Management you can see at any time how your object is paying off.

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Higher return


Good management means a higher return

Elk vastgoedobject biedt kansen, maar dan moet u wel de kansen herkennen. Wilt u weten welke kansen wij zien voor uw vastgoedobject of portefeuille, dan kan dat geheel vrijblijvend.